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Careers at BriskMed


General Doctor

Equal Opportunity for career growth

Whether you're employed full-time or part time, BriskMed has something to offer you.

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Medical Specialists

Make specialist care equitable

Availability of specialist care is a luxury only a few can afford, and yet its a necessity that aall should behold.



Mental health doesn't discriminate

With increasing mental illness in the country, there is an increased need for accessibility to mental health care.



A Helping hand

There are many people recovering from accidents, stroke, or congenital disabilities; all of whom could use your help

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The Backbone of health-care delivery

From sample collecting to home care, nurses have a pivotal role in healthcare delivery.



Let's make health care as wholesome as it should be

In an age of increased drug resistance due to improper drug use, it is important for patients to understand the medications they take and do so within NDA guidelines.


Why BriskMed is right for you

Survaillance of current patients

Keep tabs on the progress of your patients with chronic ailments

flexible schedule

Access to your  personal calendar and schedule appointments at your convenience

remotely review patients

Have consultations either during your down time at work or in the comfort of your home

Reach new patients

Have access to an ever growing community of patients

Strengthen your reputation

Get verified views from your patients.

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